Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Killarney

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A Close Fit for Your Eyes

Contact lenses are a great alternative to eyeglasses. Whether you wear contacts every day, only for special occasions, or just for sports, these fabulous devices give you the flexibility to see comfortably and conveniently according to your lifestyle.

We carry a wide selection of brands and styles at Eye Q Optometry, including contact lenses for “hard-to-fit” eyes and coloured lenses.

Visit us for your exam and fitting so we can help you find a fit for your vision and eye health.

Our Lens Offerings

Eye Q Optometry offers a wide selection of contact lenses, including lenses for hard-to-fit eyes. We help you fit an appropriate option by evaluating your eye health, taking measurements of your eyes to find the right style, and discussing your day-to-to vision needs.

We carry standard lenses and specialty lenses, including scleral contacts (for keratoconus or dry eyes), and aspheric lenses for patients with high prescriptions. With more lens offerings, we can help more patients find a healthy fit.

Solutions for “Hard-to-Fit” Eyes

Your eyes are originals, one-of-a-kind. Your contact lenses need a precise fit to ensure they’re comfortable and provide clear vision. But some people’s eyes need a bit more care and a specialized touch.

Standard contact lenses are fitted to your specific eye measurements but may not have the features or fit needed for hard-to-fit eyes. Irregular or uneven corneas or severe dry eye syndrome can affect your ability to wear contacts.

Fortunately, there are solutions for patients who can’t comfortably wear traditional contact lenses. For example, those with astigmatism (an uneven corneal curve) can achieve comfortable vision correction with toric lenses

For our patients with more than one focusing problem—such as myopia (nearsightedness) and presbyopia (poor close vision)—multifocal lenses can correct vision at multiple distances all in one lens.

You may be considered a hard-to-fit contact lens candidate if you have:

What Happens During a Contact Lens Exam?

Contact lens exams involve a thorough eye exam focused on helping you find the right contact lens. We’ll perform evaluations of your eye health, prescription, and vision needs with the contact lens exam, then we’ll measure your eyes for a custom fit. Finally, we’ll send you home with trial lenses to test them at home and schedule your follow-up appointment to assess how you’re adjusting to your lenses.

A contact lens exam, like a complete eye exam, is a thorough evaluation of your eyes and vision. However, an eye exam only determines eyeglass prescription. A contact lens exam takes additional measurements to inform fit and prescription for lenses that sit closer to your eye than your glasses do.

The contact lens industry is always innovating, with new options for comfort, convenience, and accessibility. When you visit us to update your lenses, we’ll discuss your vision, health, and daily needs to determine a good option for you—whether it’s your preferred favourite or a new lens.

One size does not fit all when it comes to contact lenses. Your measurements are as unique as a fingerprint, so a customized fit is essential for supporting your eye comfort and vision. We take measurements to assess the fine details, including:

  • Corneal curvature: Standard lenses rest on the cornea (the clear front of the eye). Your prescription adds power to help the cornea focus light inside your eye. The curvature is measured with corneal topography, which captures a 3D image of your eye’s surface.
  • Pupil & iris size: Standard lenses must align with your pupil (opening of the eye) and the iris (coloured part of the eye). Some contacts have different zones of focusing power, and pupil size can affect their performance.

Tear film: The tear film is essential for maintaining the health of your eyes, and standard lenses require a stable tear film to do their jobs. Your tear film will be evaluated using a Schirmer’s test strip to determine if you have or are at risk for dry eye syndrome. This eye condition can cause discomfort and blurry vision while wearing contacts.

We’ll provide a trial pair of lenses based on your eye health, vision, and measurements. You’ll have a chance to sit with the lenses, see how they feel, before the eye doctor examines the fit, movement, and moisture.

When your trial pair appears to be a good fit, we’ll order your lenses. Then, we’ll go over lens care and hygiene, how to insert and remove your lenses, and how long to wear them.

If you’re new to contact lenses or have changed brands or styles, we may recommend a follow-up appointment so we can check how you’re adjusting to your new lenses. We’ll assess your eye health and lens fit to see if you’re experiencing optimal vision. We’ll also ask how the lenses feel while you wear them and if you’re able to properly care for them. If you have any eye discomfort, dryness, or uneven vision, please tell us, and we can recommend a change.

When all looks good, we’ll meet again for your next eye exam.

Update Your Contacts Today

An appropriate contact lens fit can significantly impact your eye health, comfort, and vision quality. Update your contacts to fit your needs. Visit Eye Q Optometry for a contact lens exam and fitting today!

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ZEISS provides a broad performance spectrum in each lens category to best serve individual consumer needs.  Individualized premium ZEISS freeform lenses provide the highest degree of customization in lens design and the optimal visual experience.

Visit Us Today

Our practice is located in the Killarney area of 17th Avenue, within walking distance of the Westbrook LRT station. There’s plenty of parking available nearby.

Our Address

  • 3314 17 Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T3E 0B4

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