Family Eye Doctor

in Killarney

Get an Eye Exam to Find the Answers You’ve Been Seeking

Your vision is an evolving, organic, ever-changing part of your life. From varying vision needs in childhood to managing eye diseases later in life, every single person needs and deserves individualized eye care to fit their unique eyes.

Our team of optometrists is here to help you find answers to questions like how your eyes work, the symptoms of vision problems, and what we can do to assist you. Visit us at Eye Q Optometry to discover what educated eye care is all about.

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Overcoming Vision Challenges with Your Eye Doctor

Like any other skill, we need to practice our vision to improve it. You may think you practice every day by looking at the world around you, but an eye exam and vision therapy go a step further, providing you with the tools to improve your vision mindfully and intentionally.

Vision therapy, guided by an experienced eye doctor, aims to enhance your eyes’ ability to work together and function in partnership with your brain. Our goal is to elevate your quality of life and help you overcome the challenges associated with vision issues. Regular eye exams are crucial in identifying the specific needs of your vision, ensuring that your therapy is tailored for the best possible results.

Visit Us Today

Our practice is located in the Killarney area of 17th Avenue, within walking distance of the Westbrook LRT station. There’s plenty of parking available nearby.

Our Address

  • 3314 17 Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T3E 0B4

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